Orange Tea Loaf

I switched departments in my company a little over a year ago. The work I do now is a lot more interesting, but the environment is … less fun. I used to work with a team the handled Canadian trades only, then switched to the International side. The work in both departments is very stressful. They are high risk jobs with tight deadlines. My old department dealt with the stress by joking around and helping each other out. Even though there was a lot of pressure coming to work was fun.

Now it’s every man for himself. In my new department I sit beside a man who swears all day long and likes to slam his phone. The other day he picked it up and slammed it down even though it wasn’t even ringing. I think he got an email that upset him; you can’t slam an email.

I’m thinking of starting a swear jar in the office. I’m pretty sure it will pay for my morning coffee. It might even cover lunch sometimes. And if it manages to curb the swearing, then it will make coming to work that much more pleasant.

Until the day my neighbour calms down, I have an afternoon ritual that gets me through the day. Just before 3PM (when the Fed closes and things get extra stressful), I make myself a tea, put on my noise reducing headphones, and I listen to music that makes me happy. This afternoon it was Graceland. Sometimes it’s the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.

If I’ve got my act together, I have a piece of cake with my tea.  This cake is one of my favourites. It’s a modification of one of my moms recipes. She uses raisins and walnuts, and puts an orange glaze on the cake. Today was particularly bad, and I could have used a little glaze on my cake, so I’ll post the recipe for even though I didn’t use it.

Orange Tea Loaf

  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • zest of one orange, divided
  • juice of one orange
  • 1/4 cup yogurt
  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup pistachios

For glaze

  • orange zest (leftover from cake)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 4-5 tsp milk
  1. Preheat the oven to 350, line a loaf pan with parchment paper (or grease it)
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and salt.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Mix in the vanilla and 1 tsp orange zest.
  4. Add 1/2 the flour mixture the butter, mix well. Stir in the orange juice and yogurt, followed by the remaining flour. Stir in the cranberries and pistachios.
  5. Pour batter into the prepared loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes. Test the loaf after an hour with a toothpick to see if its done.
  6. Once done, let cool in the pan for 10 minutes then cool on a wire rack.
  7. For the glaze: Stir together the powdered sugar, vanilla, milk, and remaining orange zest. Pour over cooled cake.


18 thoughts on “Orange Tea Loaf

  1. I love your afternoon ritual! So sorry the new team is less fun, and is a stressed out bunch, but you have a great way of handling it. The tea loaf looks like a perfect way to tune out the world.

    1. Death is a part of life but nothing ralley prepares you for it. I enjoy being around the elderly and it hurts when their time comes even when I know in my heart they are in a better place.I agree with you on the other two specialties. The videos for eye surgery are pretty eerie and makes me shiver just thinking about it.Simuka

  2. Love the look of this loaf and the addition of pistachios and cranberries. And what an awful way to spend a work day but at least you can take comfort in afternoon breaks with food like this! Mike

  3. Swear jars are not a bad idea…though I prefer this to remind myself how little things like this help get through the day. Sounds like your colleagues might need a slice to cheer up, too.

  4. I feel for your bad company in the office. I’m sure it makes the job even more stressful. I think the swear jar is a great idea! I should put it in the school office too! Not for the kids but for teachers, administrators and parents. Man, we could buy so much stuff for the school lol!
    In the meantime, I’m sure this cake made you feel better. With or without tea it looks amazing

  5. The pic of your loaf totally grabbed me! And it sounds divine!
    I used to work in shipping and remember those daily deadlines only too well. Glad you have a way of coping with all the stress! Wish I’d thought of doing the same thing!

  6. aww… i k now how icky it can be to work in a less than fun environment – it’s good you have a nice ritual to help you through. On the flip side, this cake sounds wonderful – I love orange-cranberry combos!

  7. As a teacher, my days are hectic and unpredictable. I almost always have a student who will act like your co-worker, but I never can predict which one it will be! I love your 3pm ritual…I want to start a similar one of my own during my planning period mid-day. And I think it definitely should include this bread…it looks delicious!

  8. It’s very hard not to be influenced by negativity around you but critically important. Keep the head phones on and ignore the slammer. I’m sure more tea cake will help too.

What do you think?